Why Book A Call With Us?

  • Our clients stick with us 5 times longer than the industry average.

    What does that mean? We know how to get results consistently over a long period of time.

    You’ll WANT to stay with us, even though we don't do long term contracts!

  • No gimmicks advertising.

    We've found that providing value to your community and building you up as a dental implant expert gets better results than gimmicky marketing over the long term, AND makes your job a heck of a lot easier.

  • Experienced growth partners.

    We've been working exclusively with dentists for nearly half a decade, and we've not only perfected our systems from the ads the whole way through to booking appointments on your behalf, but we can also help you increase your treatment acceptance by improving your case presentation processes.

On This Quick Call, We Will...

1.) Audit your current marketing efforts to help you build a comprehensive plan to reach your goals.

2.) Share insights we’ve gained while helping over 100 practices do more implant cases over the last 5 years.

3.) Show you the exact strategies you need to add up to $500k to your take home pay over the next 12 months without breaking your back with drill and fill work.

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